2 0 0 4 TURBO ® CO M P
Congratulations on your purchase! You are now the
owner of one of the world’s most advanced cyclocomput-
ers. Your Specialized Turbo® Comp a revolutionary new
three-line LCD screen. The large, easy to read, digits
allow you to view two functions simultaneously and the
alphanumeric dot matrix display provides a quick refer-
ence to the currently displayed function. The Turbo®
Comp has been designed to provide the best combina-
tion of performance, features, durability and ease of use.
This illustration describes the screen display
and buttons
MODE/ SET rocker switch
TOP Button (Start/ stop)
Dot-matrix Display Area
Digital Display Area
Wheel Option Indicator
MPH or KM/ H indicator
the magnet screw. (See
figure 5).
has not detected any
speed input for 30 min-
utes, it will enter sleep-
mode in order to conserve
battery power. During
sleep mode only the digital
clock is displayed. The
The Turbo® Comp wired
speed sensor can mount on For wheels with
the right or the left side of
the fork blade. Use the
cable tie-wraps provided to bing) alcohol or a mild
position the sensor. Do not detergent to thoroughly
tighten until the final place- clean the spoke that you
ment of the sensor magnet plan to attach the magnet
bladed spokes:
Use some isopropyl (rub-
audible click. Plug the wire computer will wake it up
from the speed sensor into when wheel speed is
the socket on the bottom of detected or when the
is correct.. (See figure 4).
Wheel magnets have been from the adhesive tape and
to. Remove the backing
your computer To remove
the computer, remove the
speed wire (if connected)
then push it backward until be placed in various
it releases from the mount.
MODE or SET button is
pressed. In order to oper-
ate your computer it must
provided for
both traditional
round spokes
and bladed
(flat) aerody-
namic spokes.
firmly press the magnet
onto spoke. The tape uses
a special pressure sensitive
adhesive. To ensure a
strong bond, please wait at
least 12 hours for the
“modes” (i.e. odometer
mode, distance mode). The
computer can be cycled
through these modes by
pressing the “MODE” but-
To test for proper installa-
tion of the magnet, trans-
mitter and computer, acti-
vate the computer by push- ton located on the right-
ing the ‘MODE’ (right side) hand side the MODE/ SET
button. Pick up the front of rocker switch. There are
the bicycle and spin the
front wheel. The “wheel
option” indicator will flash. Odometer Mode, 3) Trip
If it does not flash, check
the sensor and magnet
adhesive to cure before
riding your bicycle.
Attach the
magnet to a spoke across
from the transmitter with
the magnet screw. The
clearance between the
magnet and the
Attach the appropriate
mount (26.0mm and
31.8mm sizes are includ-
ed) to the handlebar using
the bracket screw provid-
ed. Tighten so that the
nine cycling modes avail-
able: 1) Clock Mode, 2)
Distance Mode 4) Average
Speed Mode, 5) Maximum
should be
1/ 32”-1/ 16”
Tighten the
magnet and
transmitter. Do
not over-tighten
bracket cannot rotate on
the handlebar. There are
several sizing straps pro-
vided to fit different diame-
ter bars. (See figure 6).
Slide the computer forward
onto the mount until it
alignment. Realign as nec- Speed Mode, 6) Automatic
essary until the “wheel
option” indicator flashes
while spinning the wheel
Timer Mode, 7)
Timer/ Stopwatch Mode,
8)Interval Mode and
9)Distance Countdown
mode. Once you familiar-
ize yourself with the mode
operation you will find it
When your Turbo® Comp
‘snaps’ into place with an
very easy to navigate. The
following flowchart outlines until CLOCK is displayed
mode button repeatedly
Display Area (This is called down the “SET” button for
the odometer mode). Next, three seconds (If you have
the mode sequence. Once
a particular mode has
been entered, its values
in the Dot-matrix Display
Area. Then, depress hold
the “MODE” button for
hold down the “SET” button selected English language,
for three seconds. The “Km” the Km/ h indicator will
or “m” indicator will begin
flash. If the Km/ h setting is
can be reset or adjusted by three seconds. The selected
pressing and holding the language will be dis-
“SET ” button for three sec- played. Use the “MODE”
blinking. You may now
correct press the “SET”
alternate between miles and button once) and a five-
kilometers by pressing the digit number will appear.
“MODE” button. When the You are now in the pro-
button to scroll through the
languages. When the
correct choice is flashing,
select it by pressing the
“SET” button. You will now
enter the “Programmable
Odometer” mode. If the
odometer setting is correct
push the “SET” button five
times to exit odometer
grammable odometer
selected language is dis-
played (default language is
English), press the “SET”
button once to confirm
your selection and exit dis-
play language mode.
mode. To enter a mileage
into the odometer, press
the “MODE” button until
the flashing digit is correct.
(Note: The “MODE” button
may be held to quickly
scroll to the correct digit.)
Press the “SET” button to
mode. (Otherwise, see
“Setting the programmable select the next digit to the
odometer” below).
2. Miles or Kilometers
selection (English only):
Your Turbo® Comp will
record distance and speed
in either miles (m & m/ h)
or kilometers (K & Km/ h).
Please note that miles can
only be selected when the
language setting is English.
All other languages display
only kilometers. (See
right. Repeat this process
until all five digits are
entered as your existing
mileage. (See figure 7)
3. Setting the
Programmable Odometer:
This mode is useful if you
have replaced the battery
and would like to retain the
mileage you have already
ridden. To access the
Programmable odometer
mode, first advance to the
Odometer Mode by press-
ing “MODE” button until
ODO appears in the Dot-
matrix Display Area. Hold
1. Setting the
Display Language
Your Turbo® can display
information on the dot-
matrix display area in six
different languages:
“Setting the Display
English (ENGL), German
(GER), French (FR), Italian
(ITA), Dutch (NED), and
Spanish (ESP). To select
your language push the
Language” above). To enter
your selection of miles or
kilometers, push the
“MODE” button until ODO
appears in the Dot-matrix
4. Wheel Circumference
When using Easy
Calibration Mode, the
gram the wheel #2 tire size 2073 for wheel one, and
and tap the “SET” button to 2134 for wheel two) when
To set the circumference for Turbo® Comp will display
exit Easy Calibration
programming your com-
puter. (See figure 12).
the type of tires you are
using, you can use
Specialized’s “Easy
the tire size on its LCD dis-
play screen. (See figure
11) The Easy Calibration
Mode is accessed by enter-
ing the Odometer (ODO)
mode and holding down
the “MODE” button for
three seconds. The display
will now show the currently
selected tire size for wheel
option #1. To scroll
Roll Forward
Calibration Mode” or
measure your actual tire
circumference by the roll-
out method. Two different
tire diameters may be
entered by using the com-
puter’s “Second Wheel
Roll Out Method
The roll out method will
provide the most accurate
computer calibration and
can take into account vari-
ables such as inflation
pressure, rim width and
rider weight.
Wheel Circumfrence
You may also use the
following quick-reference
through the prepro-
grammed tire sizes press
the “MODE” button.
When you reach the
1. Extend a tape measure
Generic Tire Size Chart
Easy Calibration Mode:
Your Turbo® Comp has
out to 3000mm (120 inch- This chart is for non-
es) and lock it in place. Specialized tires
2. With your tire inflated to 26 X 1.75
been preprogrammed with desired tire size press the
the following 14
Specialized tire sizes:
26 X 1.0
“SET” button once to select
it and enter Easy
Calibration Mode for
its proper pressure, place
the valve at the 6:00 posi-
tion (at the bottom) directly 2074
26 X 2.0
26 X 2.2
wheel option #2. Follow
the same procedure to pro-
over the start of the meas-
uring tape.
3. Roll the wheel one com- 650C X 20
plete revolution until the
valve stem is again at the
6:00 position. Read the
tape directly under the
valve and note the distance 2170
in millimeters. (To convert
26 X 2.1
26 X 1.25
650c X 20
26 X 1.5
700c X 20
26 X 1.9
700c X 23
26 X 1.95
700c X 26
26 X 2.0
700C X 26
700C X 38
inches to millimeters, multi- Programming
700c X 32
26 X 2.1
700c X 38
ply inches by 25.4). Use
this number to replace the
default (default values are
the circumference:
To enter the tire circumfer-
ence number, select the
Odometer (ODO) mode
and then hold down the
“MODE” button for three
seconds. The display will
now show the currently
right. Repeat the process
until all four digits are
entered as your tire cir-
cumference. Press the
AM/ PM is selected by
not be turned on or off
Note: The average speed
(AVSPD) calculation is
based upon the ATM time.
scrolling the hour digit.
Press the “SET” button to
accept the hour selection.
The minutes will flash and
can be adjusted by press-
ing the “MODE” button.
(Hold the “MODE” button
to scroll through the digits
quickly) Press the “SET”
button to set the minutes
and return to clock mode.
“SET” button once to select
selected tire size for wheel it and enter the circumfer-
option #1. (See figure
13). If necessary scroll
through the prepro-
ence for wheel option #2.
Follow the same procedure
to program the wheel #2
tire size and tap the “SET”
button to exit circumfer-
ence programming mode.
The TIMER function is just
like a conventional stop-
watch. The timer is activated
manually and records the
time whether the wheel is
rotating or not. Tapping the
“TOP” button starts and
stops the stopwatch and
when the timer is stopped,
holding the “SET” button for
three seconds will reset to
stopwatch. The TIMER
includes a 12-memory lap
time feature. To record a lap
time, press the “SET” button
once while the stopwatch is
running. Each time the
5. Setting the Clock
Your Turbo® Comp fea-
tures a digital clock. To
access the “clock mode”
press and the “MODE”
button repeatedly until
CLOCK appears in the
Dot-matrix Display Area.
To set the clock, press the
grammed tire sizes by
tapping the “MODE” but-
ton until the display shows “SET” button for three sec-
“SET” button is depressed
the Turbo® Comp will
record the lap time. After
MM and four-digit num-
ber. This number repre-
sents your tire circumfer-
ence in millimeters. Press
the “MODE” button until
the flashing digit is cor-
rect. (Note: The “MODE”
button may be held to
onds. The display will flash
either twelve (12:) or twen-
ty four (24:). Select
6. Timer Selection
The Turbo® Comp has two the TIMER has been stopped
between 12: or 24: mode
by pressing the “MODE”
button. Press the “SET”
button to confirm your
selection. The hour digit
will now begin flashing.
Press the “MODE” button
to adjust the hour digits.
timers; Automatic Timer
Mode (ATM) and Timer
Mode (TIMER). The ATM
selection allows you to
keep track of your actual
riding time. The ATM timer will display the total time
only operates when the
wheel is rotating and can-
(by pressing the “TOP” but-
ton) the previous twelve lap
times can be reviewed by
pressing “SET” button.
Additionally, the computer
scroll to the correct digit.)
Press the “SET” button to
select the next digit to the
when LPTOT is shown.
1 0
1 1
7. Interval Timer (INT)
Your Turbo® Comp is
shortest interval that can be
set is 5 seconds.
flashing. Press the
Average Speed (AVSPD)-
The Average Speed is
shown on the lower line
Digital Display Area up to
99.9 M/ h (99.9 Km/ h)
“MODE” Button until the
desired number appears.
(Hold down the “Mode”
button to scroll quickly)
Press the “SET” button once with a resolution of 0.1
to set this number and M/ h (0.1 Km/ h)
advance to minutes. Repeat The average speed is
this process until minutes
and seconds are set to the
desired settings. Press the
“SET” button to exit pro-
gramming mode. Once
the time interval timer is
programmed, press the
“TOP” button to stop and
start the Distance
equipped with an Interval
Timer. This feature allows
you to customize your train-
ing by integrating a pro-
grammable repeating count-
down timer into your work-
out. To enter the interval
timer mode, press the
“MODE button” repeatedly
until “INT” appears Dot
Matrix Display Area of the
screen. You are now in
interval timer mode. To set
the interval timer, hold the
“SET” button for three sec-
onds. The hour digit will
begin flashing. Press the
“MODE” Button until the
desired number appears.
(Hold down the “Mode”
based upon the ATM time.
The resolution of the aver-
age speed data on the
Digital Display Area is
shown in 0.1M/ h or Km/ h
increments. (See figure 16)
10. Distance Countdown
Your Turbo® Comp is
equipped with Distance
Countdown feature. This
allows you to set an alarm
Note: The shortest
distance that can be set
is .01 miles/ km.
button to scroll quickly) Press when the selected mileage
the “SET” button once to set is reached. To enter the
this number and advance to Distance Countdown mode,
minutes. Repeat this process press the “MODE” button
Speedometer (SPEED)- Your
current speed is always dis-
played in large digits on the
top line of the LCD screen.
The speed is displayed up
to 99.9 M/ h (99.9 Km/ h)
with a resolution of 0.1
M/ h (0.1 Km/ h)
until minutes and seconds
are set to the desired set-
tings. Press the “SET” but-
ton to exit programming
repeatedly until “DISTÚ”
appears in the Dot-matrix
Display Area. Note: if your
display says “INT, press the
Maximum Speed (MXSPD)-
The Maximum Speed is
shown on the lower line of
the Digital Display Area up
to 99.9 M/ h (99.9 Km/ h)
with a resolution of 0.1
mode. Once the time inter- “SET” button to change to
val timer is programmed,
press the “TOP” button to
start/ stop the countdown.
(See figure 15). Note: The
“DISTÚ” To set the Distance
Countdown, hold the “SET”
button for three seconds.
The hour digit will begin
M/ h (0.1 Km/ h) The max-
1 2
1 3
imum speed is retained in
memory and updated
when a higher speed is
maintained for three sec-
watch function will operate
when the “TOP” button is
pressed. The stopwatch will
record the total time after
(See figure19)
Your Turbo® Comp is
equipped with a digital
clock. The clock can be set
to operate in either 12 or
24-hour mode.
onds. The maximum speed the button is pressed
can be reset by pressing
the “SET” button for three
seconds. (See figure 17)
regardless of whether there
is speed input or not.
Second Wheel Option-
For riders who own more
than one bicycle or who
frequently change tires, the
Turbo® Comp is capable
of storing two tire sizes.
You can change between
the two sizes by entering
Distance Mode and select-
ing TRIP. Then, press the
Interval Timer (INT)-
The interval timer is dis-
played on the lower line of
the screen when (INT)
appears on the left. The
timer indicates the end of
an interval with one short
beep per second for the last
4 seconds of the interval.
This is followed by a long
beep, indicating the begin-
ning of a new interval.
Odometer (ODO)-
The odometer will record
the total distance traveled
up to 99,999 miles or kilo- “MODE” button for three
meters and then roll to seconds. The second wheel
zero. The odometer can be mode indicator will change
reset by pressing the “SET” from 1 to 2. Mileage
Auto Start/ Stop Timer
button for three seconds.
The total distance is shown between the two sizes. (An
recorded will be cumulative
Trip Distance (DST)-
In ATM mode the timer
function records the actual record up to 999.99 miles
Trip distance mode will
on the lower line if the
accessory handlebar mount
is available from your
time spent riding. It oper-
ates only when there is
speed input and is dis-
played In the Digital
or kilometers and then roll
to zero. The trip distance
can be reset by pressing
the “SET” button for three
Specialized dealer. P/ N
Programmable Odometer- 4814-5045)
The odometer digits are
programmable. This is con-
Display Area of the screen seconds. The resolution is
0.01 miles (0.01
venient for transferring
your hard-earned mileage
that is usually lost when
Display is blank:
Change the battery or
Kilometers). The trip dis-
Timer Mode (TIMER)-
In TIMER mode the stop-
tance is shown on the
lower line if the screen.
changing batteries or com- press the AC button on the
puters. bottom of the case
1 4
1 5
Display shows
partial digits:
Press the AC button on the Turbo®. There are no user
bottom of the case.
Speed/ distance
not recording:
Check sensor/ magnet
alignment. Make sure that
the sensor is no more than • Keep the computer and
1/ 16” (2mm) from the
magnet. Replace transmit-
ter battery if necessary.
Recalibrate Computer and
Entire screen is dark:
Did you leave the bike
parked in the hot direct
are riding.
• Do not disassemble you
0.0 to 99.90 Km/ H
Operating Temperature
40°F to 104°F (4°C to
Average Speed (AVS)
0.0 to 199.9 MPH
serviceable parts inside.
• Make sure the magnet
and the transmitter are well
aligned. Check them regu-
0.0 to 199.9 Km/ H
The following replacement
parts are available from
your Specialized dealer or
by visiting the Specialized
S-store online at
Maximum Speed (MXS)
0.0 to 199.9 MPH
to 199.9 Km/ H
all of its components tightly
attached, and check them
regularly. If any of the
components come loose, it
could become tangled in
your spokes and cause an
Trip Distance (DST)
0 to 999.99 miles or Km DESCRIPTION PART#
Odometer (ODO)
0 to 99,999 miles or Km CR-2032 TURBO®
• See your authorized
sun when it was parked? If Specialized dealer if you
Stopwatch (TM)
0 to 9hrs, 59min, 59sec.
recycling type
so, move the bike to the
shade. The data will be
have any trouble installing
or maintaining your com-
Computer moves
on handlebar:
Tighten mount or add
sizing straps to improve
fit on handlebar.
• Clean the unit with a
mild detergent and a soft
dry cloth. Never use any
kind of solvent or alcohol.
• The Turbo® Comp com-
puter is intended for use on
bicycles only and should
not be used on any motor-
ized vehicle.
Automatic Timer (ATM)
0 to 9hrs, 59min, 59sec.
recycling type
Interval Timer (INT)
5 seconds to 9hrs, 59
min, 59 sec.
• Pay attention to traffic
and road conditions at all
times. Your first obligation
is to be attentive and to
ride safely.
.01 to 999.99Miles
Current Speed:
• Do not expose it to direct 0.0 to 99.90 MPH
.01 to 999.99Kilometers
sunlight except when you
1 6
1 7
arising from any breach of any
expressed or implied warranty on
this product. This warranty is exclu-
sive and in lieu of all other war-
ranties, expressed or implied, and
all other remedies, guaranties or
liabilities arising by law or other-
Two Year Limited Warranty:
Components Inc. warrants the
Original Purchaser of this
Specialized® Turbo® Comp
cyclocomputer that the product is
free from defects of material and
workmanship under normal use
and service for a period of two (2)
years from the date of the original
purchase. If within two (2) year
from the date of that original pur-
chase, this product is found to be
defective in material or workman-
ship under normal use or service,
Specialized Bicycle Components
Inc. will, at its sole option, repair
or replace the product without
charge; provided that the Original
Purchaser returns the product,
securely packaged, postage pre-
paid to: Specialized Bicycle
Components Inc., 1137 South,
3800 West Salt Lake City, UT
84104, USA. Attn: Turbo® Comp
Warranty. Be sure to include a let-
ter indicating the specific reasons
for returning the product and
proof of date of purchase.
Note: This warranty does not per-
tain to batteries.
No person or representative is
authorized to assume any liability
on behalf of Specialized Bicycle
Components, Inc. in connection
with the sale of this product. Some
states do not allow the exclusion or
limitation of incidental or conse-
quential damages or limitations on
how long an implied warranty
lasts, so the above limitation or
exclusion may not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific
legal rights, and you may also
have other rights which vary from
state to state.
Turbo® is a registered trademark
of Specialized Bicycle Components
© 2003 Specialized Bicycle
Components Inc.
This warranty does not apply to,
and is void as to, defects or physi-
cal damage resulting from abuse,
neglect, improper repair, improp-
er fit, alterations, modifications or
use contrary to that intended by
the manufacturer. Except to the
extent prohibited by applicable
law, any implied warranty of mer-
chantability or fitness for a partic-
ular use or purpose is limited in
duration of this limited warranty.
Specialized Bicycle Sportonents,
Inc. shall not be liable for any acci-
dental or consequential damages
1 8
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